August 26, 2004

Intuition. Is it psychic ability? Is it a special something only some people get? Or is it just noticing when things happen, that reading of the energy waves, and believing it?

Everyone has intuition. Some listen to it, and others ignore it. Some just feel things are right, or perceive them correctly, and others don’t. Why do some feel things are right? Is it the willingness to listen to unseen, unheard messages we’re constantly inundated with?

Intuition can be a strong thing. When it happens, and we really feel it is right, we take it as fact that has yet to happen, or be proven. As Kirk once told Spock, “No matter how illogical, intuition is still considered a command prerogative.” There are those that will take intuition over fact any day. So, what is it?

All the time, our senses are bombarded with different stimuli. With the five basic senses, we pick up sounds, and smells, and so forth. But many of these things that stimulate us come on an entirely different level. They come in the from of unseen, and unfelt (at least by the normal senses) energies. These stimuli are picked up by the third eye (yes, there really is one). This is located in the center of the forehead, and is one of the seven major chakras.

We can get all types of information this way. For an example, you know how you can sense when someone is looking at you? You just tend to feel it. When someone looks at you, there are energies emanating from them. These energies are picked up by the third eye. They’re translated through the brain, and then we look up to see who is staring at us. But this is only one example out of millions of things that come into us every day. The real question is why don’t we pay attention to it? Well, we do some of the time. Other times, we just write it off, or we let ego get in the way.

When my daughter was young, she used to have a very singular view on things. Things would go exactly as she expected, because they couldn’t go any other way. Even though we would look at her and tell her exactly how this, or that situation would go, she truly believed that we knew nothing of what we talked about. Oh, the confidence of youth. J As expected, things went way south of my daughter’s expectations. This is how ego overrides any possibility of listening to any outside stimulus.

Now, most ego situations are not as specific as this. Suppose you had a sudden feeling that something was going to happen. But then you thought, “nah, that can’t happen.” You’ve just ignored the signals. I do this now and then, but mine comes from a lack of knowledge. I like to play Jumble, a puzzle where the letters of words are mixed up, and the goal is to figure out what the real words are. All too many times, I’ll look at the letters, and see what could be a word, and say, “nah, that’s not a word, is it?” All too many times it will be.

I think that a big part of this is allowing yourself to be open, to hear the input. Does one have to be psychic to do this? Well, what do you think psychics do? They have either been opened, or have trained to be open enough to hear and perceive the signs that they are being shown. This is something that anyone can do if they allow themselves to be open to the possibilities.

As I have said, we are all part psychic. We have psychic muscles that if we don’t use, we’ll lose. Whether we exercise them or not, intuition is still something that comes through. It is in part based on these psychic muscles, but you don’t have to be, say, John Edward to be intuitive. All you need to do is open up, and allow yourself to hear the signs.

About a year ago, I was sitting in a staff meeting, when my boss announced that he had something unpleasant for someone to do. He decided to pick a number and let the one closest to it do the work. Because of some extenuating circumstances, some people were eliminated from the contest. That left five of us, and he went in order of seniority, which gave me first guess. He wanted us to guess a number between 1 and 5.

Now, I’ve tried things like this before, usually with less than desired effects. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and opened myself up. Suddenly, the number ‘2’ came into my head. (The first thing is that you go with your first ‘gut feeling’. If you go back to ‘resample’, you’re over thinking and will be wrong.) Here’s where it gets tricky. Was this the number my boss had thought of, or was some entity telling me what to guess? I decided that since I had wanted to know the number he wrote down, that this was it. I opened my eyes and told them that my number was ‘5’ (the furthest I could get away from what I thought was his choice).

Each of the other four persons guessed, and then the paper my boss had written his number on was turned over. On the page was a big number ‘2’. Of course, that was when all the others claimed that it was unfair. They said I had an unfair advantage. What I had actually done was allow myself to be open to the energies from my boss’s thoughts as he put down the number. As they came in through my third eye, I let them be what they were, rather than making them into something.

Now, yes, I have been training to open myself up to these types of situations. Taking Kay’s psychic development classes weekly had a lot to do with it. But the point is that even though I have tried this many times before, I had not been open enough, or I simply did not listen. I also on those other occasions probably resampled.

So, try it. Let yourself be open to possibilities. Go with your gut instinct, and don’t over think things. Sounds easy enough. Well, it is, but it takes practice, lots and lots of practice.