Well, the first question that came to mind would be... Why do you want the customer to peek inside instead of just come in?  And the rest just brought about questions about how one grows a beer garden.  Do you water it daily?  Does watering it water down the beer?  Where do you get seeds?  Does cross pollination make the bees drunk?

But then I took a second look at this and noticed the spelling of 'peak'.  According to Webster... PEAK:  (noun) the pointed top of a mountain, the pointed top of anything, (verb) to project a peak, to attain a peak of activity.  I think the word they might have been looking for is PEEK: (verb) to look or glance furtively.

So what are they truly saying?  Has the garden grown into a mountain with a peak?  Or do they want you to come in and attain your peak?  And at what?