October 13, 2002

It's up! It's up! What's up? Oh, not much. What’s up with you? Just kidding. What is up? My Massage site is up. Hooray!

It has taken about two weeks of design, all in the back of my mind, and a week of actual typing, and designing, and redesigning. But it is finally done. Please go visit it, and let me know what you think.

I finally decided how I wanted it to work, and started designing. My wife, Shirley, drew the design (and came up with the name), which also looks really neat on the business cards. One day soon, I will be replacing it with a color version, but right now, the black and white hand sketch looks just fine.

The site address is...


I would be interested in all constructive criticism.

Take care.  Love and light to you all.

Note from 2012: Caring Palms was created when I got my massage license. Up until then, this site existed solely as a Reiki site called Reiki Holistic Healing. Then it existed as two sites, the Reik site and Caring Palms which was massage only. It was some time later that they were combined into one.