March 16, 2002

Well, if you’ve chosen this entry for a short relaxing read, you’ve picked the wrong one. When I started the day, I knew I was going to school to work clinicals, and then come home to do a healing. Little did I know I would be faced with some very interesting massage problems, doing a massive healing, and then some ghost hunting. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning...

I managed to do four bodies today, which leaves me with 12 to do before finishing my clinical requirements. There was nothing special about the first two other than using a little Reiki here and there. The third one had some challenges. She came in with a very stiff neck, and wanted me to work only on that. She also had never had a massage before and was nervous about being undressed. I explained that I couldn’t work an hour on her neck because you can only work so long on one set of muscles before they start fighting you. When this happens, whatever work is done, is undone because the muscles tighten up.

I ended up working on her back while spending a lot of time on her neck. It was interesting, but she was sucking a lot of energy from me, even though I was tied into higher energies. At one point, I was resting on my knees working her shoulder with one hand. I had my eyes closed, sensing the right places to work. I suddenly noticed that as I worked, I was starting to nod off. I recovered, and reestablished my link to higher energies. I also re-shielded. The only thing I can think is that I was so tuned into my subject that I let myself be sapped because it was adding necessary energy to the healing. When I finished with her, she felt a lot better, but not completely cured as I had done with others. I figure I took at as far as I could. As it was I hit it with everything I had from different massage moves to Reiki. She just needs more work soon.

One thing worth mentioning was that while I was having my moments of ‘trance” (ie: sleep) while I was working on her, I had two visions. The first was of a house near railroad tracks. The second was of a little boy. I asked my client if any of these things meant anything to her. She said that they did not, so I was at a loss for an explanation.  I don’t usually get visions like this. In fact I think I have only had it happen once, but that is probably not true. I just probably don’t remember the others.

My last subject needed hard pressure, and was having problems with specific parts of her back. Since she was 10 minutes late arriving, I had to hustle to do what I could in the remaining time. I actually ran over that amount of time, so she got almost the full time (and I was working fast the whole time). I was a little bit tired, but still with lots of energy, and still tapped in. She had seen my scanning of her and asked about it. (Aha, another opportunity to tell about Reiki.) I had given her a card as she said she was interested in things like that. When we were done, she mentioned sitting in the car a little while until she was awake enough to drive home (I had relaxed her so much). So I pulled in energy, and charged up her ‘battery’. In moments, she was wide awake. She told me that she would definitely check out my website after that, and that I would be getting a call. Cool.

Shortly after I got home from school, my client arrived for her healing. Jennifer had been having problems with her energy. Her creativity was stifled, and she was angry a lot. Her sister (who lived in Flaggstaff Arizona, and used to live in Sedona, though I didn’t know that at the time) had told her that she needed to find a Reiki master. So she typed ‘Reiki’ and ‘Jacksonville’ in a search engine, and my name came up at the top of the list. (It’s nice when all this technology works like it should.)

I started by scanning Jenn, and was immediately drawn to what looked like a black hole between her heart and throat charkas. I had never seen anything like this before. Wow. She got on the table, and I started checking for blocked charkas. I found a lot of them. I cleaned them out, then started checking for blocked energy flows all through her. This is something I haven’t done for a while because I haven’t felt the need to. I did tonight. I found a lot of blocks in her and removed them all. One thing I noticed was that here were no blocks in her left arm. It makes sense, she’s left handed.

Next, I wasn’t sure about the ‘hole’. I was getting ready to start doing Reiki, when I realized that if I just added Reiki, the energy would be sucked into the black hole and not do any good. I sat and looked at it for a moment until I was shown what to do. I pulled in white light and surrounded the black hole. The light shown into the darkness of the hole and shrunk it until there was just a tiny bit left. I lifted the light surrounded hole out, and threw it away. Then I took a piece of white light and placed it inside her where the black hole had been. By leaving light there, the darkness can’t return. Darkness can’t exist in light.

Finally, I got around to the Reiki healing (which was what she came here for in the first place). It was a very powerful healing session. There were times when the energy was so strong that it felt solid.

I started doing the healing, and then something reminded me that I had brought out some crystals and forgotten to use them. I kept the energy flowing, and placed the rocks around her. (Reiki 4, at least the Reiki 4 that I will be teaching, uses crystals with Reiki.) When I had picked up the stones that I use for healing, one of the other crystals on the shelf (and there are a lot of them) basically (and how can I say this)… told me it wanted to play. So, after I had placed the regular healing crystals, I held this one above her and asked where it wanted to go. It showed me, and I placed it above her sternum. When I went to do Reiki at that location, I channeled the energy through the crystal. This gave it a finer focus.

As I was working the front side, I had the picture of using another crystal, one I had worn the day before. (This one goes back a little bit. About a year ago, the crystal I wore about my neck broke, at least the part of the fob that the chain goes through broke, and couldn’t be repaired. I went to a local store here, and picked up a replacement crystal that felt good. I also picked up another that wanted to come home with me. When I closed my eyes and looked at it, I saw a lot of energy that could be channeled. I have not done anything with this until yesterday. I had cut my nails so I could do massage on Wednesday, and I had cut them so short that I couldn’t open the clasp on the chain. So I got a leather cord and put it on this second crystal, and wore it.) As I worked on Jenn, I had seen a picture of my of my drawing a pentagram with this second crystal.

Now, Jenn had been raised by Jehovah’s Witnesses, but had gone from there to Wicca. She doesn’t hold ties with any religion at the moment, but I think she is closer to Wicca than anything else. Wicca uses the pentagram as a symbol with each point standing for one of the major elements… earth, air, fire, water, and spirit (Polarity refers to this fifth element as ether – amazing how many names we have for the same thing). I told her what I had seen, and she told me to do it. I didn’t do it right then, but I cataloged it to do it later,.

I finished the front side, and turned her over. Suddenly I got the picture of another rock on the shelf in the other room, so I went and got it, and put it where it had wanted to go (above her root chakra).

As I was working on the head, I felt this dark ‘something’ trying to get in through my crown chakra. It obviously wanted to be transmitted to Jenn. I broke contact immediately, and pushed it out of me. I then shielded the room, and brought white light into it. The dark ‘something’ had to leave. I then connected with the energies around the house, and strengthened them. This is when I re-shielded and returned to my healing. The rest of the healing was powerful, but (thankfully) uneventful.

When I was done, I did a minute or so of bodywork on her back (it’s a nice touch, and connects the energy to the more physical). I had her turn over and did the pentagram as I had been shown. I got her to ground out her excess energies, and let her get up.

Because she had said some things that concerned me, I took Jenn through a short meditation. She had told me that she felt like she had two minds inside, and they didn’t always agree. I took her down to a place where she could see inside herself. I had her see the two sides of her mind, and bring them together to fuse as one. I felt this would make her a whole person, instead of someone that has two sides. (I’m getting fairly good at making up meditations off the top of my head.)

A funny side note was right after I had Jenn deep enough to the point where she could have a couple of minutes bringing herself together, the dogs decided it was time to visit with her. I had to quietly keep them away, and get them outside so she could finish. Silly dogs choose the oddest times to come play.

I decided that she needed some basic energy training, so I taught her how to open her charkas, ground, shield, and center. I printed those pages out of my Reiki 1 manual and gave them to her so she would remember what I had taught her. After we were done, she said that she felt grounded and focused, and that this was the first time in a long time that she had felt that way out of meditation.

In talking more with her, she told me that she didn’t remember her childhood. As I understand it, she was abused as a child, as was her sister. The memories came back to her sister when she was 21. Jenn just turned 21, and she is worried. Just like I have seen too many times before, she walled off those memories, and soon the walls would be crumbling. I have this meditation on CD that I have used time and again that deals with past memories. I felt that this might actually start cracking the walls, and maybe deal with it in a controlled manner, rather than letting it fall apart haphazardly. But I told her that this is something that she should be walked through in person, so there is someone there to help her deal with it, and not just a CD player. I hope she comes back, either to me, or someone else for help. I seem to have some experience there now. I may not be a psychiatrist, but I can be a good counselor.

All in all, her visit for a 30-minute (or so) healing, lasted over two hours. She was very appreciative. I charged her for a Reiki healing, but she paid more, which I appreciated. I did not do the teaching and meditation in hopes of getting paid more. I did it because she needed it. I have yet to let someone go out the door if I feel they need something else. I had told her she would be paying for a Reiki healing, and that was what I charged her.

Jenn has a lot of things to work out, and it will be coming apparent now. I know that her anger comes from her childhood that she can’t see. (This was shown to me as I walked her to her car. It was almost like a slap in the face.) She will have to deal with it. She’ll also need a lot of help. I hope she lets me.

A while later, I had an e-mail from my friend Sherry. She was telling me that she had a ghost in the house that was bothering her daughter. She felt that the spirit was new to being a spirit, and was not that powerful. She said that her husband had even seen the it, and he isn’t used to seeing things like this. She asked me to check on it when I got chance. I’m thinking ‘oh great, another ghostbusting’.

I finally got to a point that I could bounce over there and look things over. I gathered my energies, and astral projected over to the apartment. I saw that Sherry was in bed with her daughter as her daughter was a little scared. What started it was where her daughter was in her bedroom doing something. She had crumbled up some tape into a ball and set it down. A moment after she turned around, she got hit in the back of the head with the tape ball. It was definitely a playful spirit.

At any rate, I stopped in front of Sherry, and she sat up in bed. I hovered there for a moment to make sure she knew it was me. At that moment, I sensed something behind me, and I turned and stuck out my astral hand and stopped the spirit with my hand in his face. (I remember seeing a demonstration of Aikido, a Japanese martial art, several years ago. Yoshimitsu Yamada, 8th degree black belt and head of the New York school was being attacked by two of his black belt students. Somehow, they had gotten separated, and while he was throwing one person, the other was coming up behind him very quickly, and quietly. Just as he was about to get clonked, he reached his right hand around behind himself and caught the person right in the face. He had not even looked that way. He had just sensed it.) This is exactly what I had done. I turned and looked at the spirit, and saw it was a young boy about seven or eight years old. (This is where we remember about the vision of the little boy that I had had earlier in the day.) Sherry had put down salt. I told the spirit to go to the light. He was afraid. I tried to calm him, and let him know it was ok, but he fled.

Before I left, I put a full, tight shield over the apartment. So far, the spirit hasn’t returned. Let’s hope it stays away. Being a young child, it wanted to play with Sherry’s daughter, hence the tape ball. The problem is that this playfulness would turn malevolent after a while. This would be due to frustration at not being able to play as he normally would. Not a good thing.

This has been an amazing day. It is very unusual that I am this connected to things. I have from time to time been shown to do things. This usually happens by my seeing myself doing that thing. Today, I was getting signs all over the place. It was very interesting. I hope things like this continue to happen. I guess as long as I stay focused on healing, and open to the energies, things like this will continue to happen. I sure hope so.

Take care. Light be with you all.