February 10, 2002

I had two events in the last couple of days. Yesterday I worked at a psychic fair, and today, I taught Reiki 2 and Reiki 3. I guess that the best place to start again would be at the beginning (fancy that).

The fair started slow. Kay had customers regularly, but no one wanted massage or healings. As the time went on, I finally pulled out my PDA and started writing my journal entries into it. Things got so slow, I actually pulled out the full keyboard so I didn’t have to pick out one character at a time from the on-screen keyboard. It was after I had spent about 30 minutes doing this that people started wanting my services. After that, they didn’t stop coming.

I ended up doing seven half-hour massages that day. (One of these days, I will be able to do a half-hour massage in 30 minutes. Considering that I do almost as much on a body in 30 minutes that I normally do in an hour, it is hard to move fast enough to get it done in time.)

A welcome addition to the group was Jose. Jose had contacted me months ago about getting together and possibly getting with a Reiki healing circle. Now, a healing circle is something I have often considered starting, but never gotten around to, mostly because of time. Also, because of time factors, we never did hook up. Jose got shipped out for several months, and when he got back to land duty, he called again, and I told him about the fair, and invited him to my classes. (I usually don’t invite people to watch classes as I seem to teach different things than most other people, and although I don’t mind showing things to others, I am always concerned with showing things to those that do not have the proper level of training. Jose had recently gotten his Reiki master certificate, so something said, “go ahead, invite him.”)

Once he got to the fair, he got put to work immediately. (When there’s healing to be done, everybody helps.) Jose’s energy was wonderful. It added to the group’s energy and made it much more than it was. He saw how we do things and we learned some of the things he was trained. When we finally were able to pry him loose from working, he got a reading and a massage. He told me (while I was working on him) he finally understood why people pay so much to have massages. He had never had one before.

What started out slow, ended up being a really busy day. It was great.

Today, class was even more amazing. Usually, I struggle to get one helper when I only have one student for Reiki 2. Since Reiki 2 does a lot of group work, it is necessary to have either a minimum of two students, or one student and a helper. Today we had one student, and four helpers. James came to be the original helper, then Helen came to help with Reiki 2. Shawn showed up to also help with Reiki 2, and José came to be an observer (to be read as helper, victim, etc.).

I’m always a little nervous when I have observers in my classes. I know others are taught different things, but I hope that what I do doesn’t go completely against their training. I also hope that in what I teach, there is something new that they haven’t seen before. If there isn’t something new, I am afraid that visitors will go away thinking that my teachings add nothing of value to their training.

I was very glad that not only did Joeé see things that he had not seen before (and some of those things involved Reiki, not just basic energy), but he offered something from his training that I am going to incorporate into mine. While I had six people in the group, I worked through Distant Healing up to Distant Group Healing. I have seen where practitioners get together in a group and send Reiki to those in need. In a sense, they are putting names into a ‘bucket’ and channeling energy to those people. When most practitioners come to my Reiki 2 class, they are surprised as they have never seen a Healing Chain before.

A Healing Chain is a group of people combining their energies to send distant healing to people. The key differences between this and other forms of distant group healing is that energy is passed from one person to the other with one key practitioner being the focus. Everyone gets into a line that with their hands up to send Reiki to the person immediately in front of them. The line is not a straight line. It is curved to create a spiral. If viewed from above, this spiral would start small, getting bigger, in a clockwise rotation. The more practitioners in it, the more powerful the energy there is.

The person at the very center (the start of the line) channels Reiki energy into the person in front of them. The next person in the chain takes the Reiki energy being passed them by the person behind them, combines it with the Reiki energy that they are channeling, and passes it to the person in front of them. This is continued along the chain until it reaches the last practitioner. This person focuses on the distant person in need of healing, and sends the energy to them. It is a very unique and powerful form of healing. When I was the focus, I directed the energy to two people, one at a time. The second one is very sensitive, and later told me that they almost got knocked on their butt.

José had never seen this before, and was impressed with it. Since my original training, I have never had enough people to do a really dramatic healing chain. Six people today (four of them masters) was very impressive. In my original training, I think our healing chain consisted of 10 people.

Jose also saw some interesting things in the basic and advanced energy that I taught. He specifically liked the locating and clearing of blocked chakras. These are all things I learned elsewhere through various teachers, and by experimenting, and by being shown from above.

What Jose had to offer us was very spectacular. When we do group healing (many people on one that we can touch), we basically pick our hand placements and start working. José showed us how to bring the energy level of the group up to a constant high level before touching the subject. This was a neat technique.

We reached out our hands like we were going to clasp hands, but stopped short. We held the palms of our hands facing the other person's on each side. Then we let the Reiki flow, and let the level of energy rise until it was constant all around. Then, we put our hands on the subject. The beauty of it was that the person playing 'victim' could feel the energy long before we touched him.

It was a very interesting couple of days.